Friday, June 4, 2010

Get Him to the Greek: Take

“Get Him to the Greek!”

If I have to hear that phrase one more time I might but quit movies forever. You know those trailers that trick you with scenes that don’t make it into the final move? Well, welcome to the mother of them all. The trailers for “Get Him to the Greek”, make it seem like there is dialogue: Lizzy Moss talking about Gossip Girl, P Diddy asking about Cher, but it’s all a lie. The only words spoken, I repeat, THE ONLY WORDS SPOKEN IN THE ENTIRE MOVIE ARE: Get. Him. To. The. Greek.
Sure, they are said by a variety of different characters (Jonah Hill, Sean Combs, Russell Brand et al), in a variety of different tones and emoting different meanings ala:

“Get him to the Greek!”
“Get him to the Greek?”
“GET him to the GREEK!!!!”
“get him to the greek…….”

Over and over again.

No one ever questions why this phrase seems to be all the characters in THIS MOVIE can utter, it’s just accepted along with the raucous good time Aldous Snow is having. I suppose it’s mean to show us that words are meaningless and actions are the only things you should judge a character on- but for this reviewer it was nothing more then living torture.

Thanks a lot Apatow. Who ever you are.

I give this movie one frustrated Archie.

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