Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sex and the City 2: Like I Carrie

Sex and the City was the greatest TV show all time after The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, and several thousand others. Like Sex and the City: The Movie, 1, Carrie and Big are still having relationship problems. It's been 12 years. It's depressing. But this time instead of Big being a jerk, Carrie decides she "bored" and starts an affair with mushy ex-fiance Aiden. That would all be normal if the movie didn't take place in the middle of the Afghanistan conflict!

Here's what happened: Miranda takes on a teenage middle eastern client who is suing for parental emancipation. She flies with the girls to the desert country and in a dramatic scene, disables a dirty bomb, showing an natural talent for the ol' hurt locker. The term "the ol' hurt locker" is thrown around a lot in this movie, and it seems to refer to bombs, the act of dismantling bombs, bombs going off, and happy hour. Not sure what the real meaning was.

Miranda (AKA the smart one) now has to lead her friends out of the desert armed only with a M16 and a bomb suit designed by Gucci. Carrie, Samantha, and Charlotte still spend the movie gossiping about their sex lives, in an attempt to distance themselves from the horrors around them, which include camel murder, mirages of oxygen bars, friendly fire deaths, and a disastrous garden party.

All in all I think the Sex and the City team really grew up. I walked away from the movie realizing I needed to send less time worrying about my sex life, and more time simply being grateful for being alive.

I give this movie 4 Liza's out of 5.

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